Let’s start with the obvious – if a patient can’t find your phone number, they’re not going to call you. But there’s a bit more to it than that…
Phone Number – Make it easy for new patients to get in touch with you by including your phone number (and/or a phone icon) at the top of each page. Be sure the number is set up as a click-to-call link to make it easy for folks to call you when browsing on mobile devices.
The “NAP” – Your Name, Address, and Phone Number should be included on every page of your site. The NAP should be placed in the site footer, and it should exactly match the information used in your Google Business Profile. A consistent NAP is a strong signal to search engines that your site represents a real business in a real location.
A Contact Page – Be sure to create a Contact page that includes, at minimum: Your address and phone number, business hours, an embedded Google Map, and a form to schedule an appointment and/or send an email.
Skip the Email – It turns out that Google isn’t the only company scanning websites for information. Spammers also scour the web for email addresses to sell far and wide. If you choose to place your email address on your site, you open yourself up to receive many, many spam messages. For this reason, we recommend setting-up a contact form instead of placing your email address directly on the site.
In this Episode of Trade Secrets, we dig into the top 10 things every dental website can’t live without! By including these items on your website, you’ll be well on your way to building trust with potential patients and driving more appointments through your doors.
Check it out and read the full article on the 10 Things Your Dental Website Can’t Live Without at s8e8.com/tradesecrets
Studio 8E8 is Dentistry’s Story-Driven Marketing Agency.
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