Skote is a fully featured premium admin dashboard template in Angular 17 with Fake-backend, Firebase authentication and multilingual supported with developer-friendly codes. It’s a pure Angular 17 admin template with reusable components. Sketch, Figma & XD files and Starterkit are also available.
Skote is an admin dashboard template that is a beautifully crafted, clean & minimal designed admin template with Dark, Light Layouts with RTL options. You can build any type of web application like Saas based interface, eCommerce, CRM, CMS, Project management apps, Admin Panels, etc.
It will help your team move faster and save development costs and valuable time. If you’re a developer and looking for an admin dashboard that is fully responsive with Bootstrap ^5.3 and Angular 17 with jQuery then you are at the right place to start your project using Skote.
Skote contains lots of new design widgets with responsiveness on all screens. Also, there are 6 different types of Layouts we have added. It is very easy to change any layout in your existing running application by changing a couple of lines of code only as it’s managed with scss. We have written standard and developer-friendly code to increase performance. Customize or create your own color scheme by changing the sass color variable’s value or creating a new color scheme file.
Note: If you want this admin template in Angular 9 then it’s available with Skote-ng-v2.1.0. Please contact us via support for the same.
In order to get design files (Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD files) contact us via support from the below link. The design assets are available as complimentary only and not part of the template. We are providing them to make a designer’s life easy. Also, note that the design assets do not cover everything available in the template.
Contact us
Video Setup Tutorial:
=================================================================== v4.4.0 - 02 December 2023 ------------------------- - Updated angular version to 17. - Update the bootstrap version to v5.3.2. - Change control-flow Syntax. - All packages updated. - Fixed minor issues. v4.3.1 - 04 November 2023 ------------------------- - Redux-based architecture. - Remaining functionality added. - All packages updated. - Fixed minor issues. v4.3.0 - 17 July 2023 ------------------------- - Updated angular version to 16. - Update the bootstrap version to v5.3.0 - Update light & dark mode - Updated all packages. - Added CRUD functionality in order, kanban, and contact list pages. - Fixed minor issues. v4.2.0 - 13 March 2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Removed ng-bootstrap. - Updated ngx-bootstrap. - Updated all packages. - Fixed minor issues. v4.1.0 - 22 December 2022 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated angular version to 15. - Updated all packages. - Fixed minor issues. v4.0.0 - 30 Aug 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated angular version to 15. - Updated all packages. - Fixed minor issues. v4.0.0 - 30 Aug 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated Angular version to 14. - Bootstrap version updated to ^5.2.0. - Datatable pagination added in tables. - Ng-bootstrap version updated to ^13.0.0. - Added Job Dashboard Page. - Added Jobs pages. - Fixed minor issues. v3.3.0 - 19 Nov 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated angular version to 13. - Bootstrap version updated to ^5.1.3. - Editable datatable added in tables. - Placeholder page added in UI Elements. - Updated Ng-bootstrap version to ^10.0.0. - Added new variants in components pages. - Updated sketch design file. - Fixed minor issues. v3.2.0 - 17 Sep 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated Bootstrap version to ^5.1.1. - Fixed minor issues. v 3.1.0 - 22 June 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated to Angular 12. - Update packages. - Updated Bootstrap version to ^5.0.1. - Added Lightbox page in UI Elements. - Layout set in Rightbar. - Filter options working on Dashabord in Email Sent chart widget. - Filter options working on Dashabord Saas in Earning chart and Top Selling Product Data widgets. - Filter options working on Dashabord Crypto in Wallet Balance widget. - Filter options working on Dashabord Blog in Visitors widget. - Images update in eCommerce product. - E-commerce product detail page nav added. - Fixed minor issues. v 3.0.1 - 11 March 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated Bootstrap version to ^5.0.0-beta2. - Radio changes in form elements page. - Removed perfect scroll package added Simplebar. - Fixed minor issues. v 3.0.0 - 11 Feb 2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated Bootstrap version to ^5.0.0-beta1. - Bootstrap 5 regarding class changes on all pages. - Added Default popup modal on the dashboard page. - Horizontal layout responsive changes. - Added new customer functionality to the eCommerce customer page. - Added new task functionality on the Task page. - Added new user functionality in Contacts users-grid page. - Authentication added on the new layout page. - Maintenance page changes. - Sidebar scroll base on the active page. - Updated Material Design and Boxicon Icons. - Updated UI colors page. - RTL style updated. - Fixed minor use. v 2.2.1 - 16 Dec 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated to Angular 11. - Updated Bootstrap version to 4.5.3. - Added New Scrollable Layout. - Added Blog Dashboard page. - Added Email Templates. - Added File Manager Page. - Added New Auth pages. - Added Blog List, Blog Grid, Blog Details pages. - Minor fixes of RTL SCSS. v 2.2.0 - 13 July 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated to Angular 10 - Calendar page updated with edit event functionalities. - Manage products with JSON objects on the product page. - The product list page completed with dynamic binding and the Price range & the discount filter is working. - Product Detail page dynamic binding and routing. - Email page routing, email read page binding, Email delete functionalities, and Email sidebar binding. - Added interceptor model - Added action column to advance table - Added a nested table to advance table - Other minor fixes ( Path updated of woff,woff2,ttf,svg files, interceptor model, global loader component added, Support for Multilingual, Added language files in JSON format, Added scss for progress spinner issue ) v 2.1.0 - 04 June 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added fack-backend authentication support. ( You can use any one firebase or fack-backend ). - Upgraded Bootstrap v4.5.0. - Updated Sketch files. - Minor bug fixes. v 2.0.1 - 08 May 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added multiple levels menu in the left sidebar v 2.0.0 - 19 April 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Minor bug fixes ( Ecommerce - [ checkout, customer, product details and shops], forms - [ elements, validation, wizard], icons - [fontawesome, box icons, materialdesign], Dashboard, invoice details, timeline, create a project, dropdowns, grid, typography and added charts in Echart. - Minor design fixes for LTR and RTL in both versions. - Added Saas & Crypto Dashboards pages. - Added crypto pages ( Wallet, Buy/Sell, Exchange, Lending, Orders, KYC Application, ICO Landing ). - Added Sketch ( Design ) files of new pages. - Menu items are updated with a JSON object. - Added Starter-kit. v 1.2.0 - 31 March 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added sketch files. v 1.1.0 - 13 March 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Remove tabset from faq, checkout, and ui-elements->tab pages because of deprecated in the latest version. - Email inbox - Fixed minor issue for the EDGE browser. - Added the new Chat page. - Fixed minor issues on the Create task and calendar page. - Remove simple bar-angular scrollbar and added ngx-perfect-scrollbar to fix the issue for IE10 and other browsers. v 1.0.0 - 29 Feb 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial release.