Welcome to our Budget Calculator.This budget calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to help you manage your finances by tracking your monthly income and expenses. You can input various sources of income, such as W2, 1099/Contract, Social Security, Pension, and Miscellaneous.. You can also categorize and input your expenses, such as Home, Miscellaneous Loans, Utilities, Donations, Children, Eating Out, Clothing, Entertainment, Hobbies, Credit Cards, Savings, Medical, Insurance (not payroll deducted), Miscellaneous (list)
User inputs:
Expenses – Choose an expense category:
Features of the Budget Calculator:
The calculator is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it also utilizes the popular JavaScript library jQuery, Autonumeric Number Format and PDF Generatetor. A premium quality Budget calculator which you can easily embed into any website (well documented).