Stray is the best landing page for Business & Startup Company. This template has smooth animation, clean features, a modern and unique design which make your website more beautiful.
This template comes with 15 different landing page version layouts and included 48+ valid HTML files. This template easily customizable, fully responsive and support all modern browser and device.
Poppins, OpenSans, FontAwesome, Icofont
Images in the previews
Unsplash, Freepik, Nothingtochance
JQuery Plugins
Bootstrap 4, Isotope, OwlCarousel, Swiper Slider, Magnific Popup, WOW JS, jQuery Easing, jQuery Parallax,
Our support team is available 24/7. We try to answer all questions within 30 hours.
Please note: All images are for preview purposes only and are not included in the download file.