AngularPro Identity User Management with .net core web api | with source code.
Its Angular 7 based user management identity with asp.net core web api boilerplate type application, we use here PrimeNG rich UI components for DataTable Grid,Models, Filters ,export,pagination ,Insert update,delete smart UI forms. Ready to use Components. Speed up you development.
Demo .
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Features Angular Application.
-Admin Lte Angular 7 Theme Implemented.
-UI Widget ,Line, Pie, Doughnut,Bar Charts
-PrimeNG Grid with Global Filter and column based filter,sorting,
-Model Popup Create New record ,update ,delete features with smart UI.
-Relationship dropdown with search.
-Date with mask
-Text Editor Implements.
-Email and spinner columns.
-Form validations
-Login and Register User with jwt web token authentication.
-Jwt web token based Authentication user can’t access pages with login.
-All pages reference separate with module based
.Net core web api Features
-N layered architecture,
-repository and services
-model mapping and context
-api solution with jwt authentication.
-Entity framework.
-With sql server, easy to switch mysql if need.
Installation Note: Layman from programming, will not able to install easily. you need to hire developer (.net core and angular 2+) for install application