Dashforge is a fully responsive premium quality admin dashboard template that is built on top of the latest Bootstrap version with clean, modern, simple and professional design perfect for your dashboard, analytics and application projects. It contains more than a hundred reusable components that is enhanced and improved. Amazing flexibility and re-usability. See the demo.
Images used in the demo are not included in the download package when you purchased this template.
v2.0.0 - Updated: Bootstrap 5 - Added: Remixicon v1.1.0 - Added: Dark version - Added: Starter page for default and dark version (blank.html & blank-dark.html) - Updated: Bootstrap to version 4.4.1 - Updated: Other NPM package dependencies - Fixed: NPM package dependency errors. (Run 'npm audit' for details.) - Updated GULP to 4.0.2 - Updated: gulp-sass to 4.0.2 - Updated: gulpfile.js (updated tasks code) v1.0.0 - First Release