Employee Attendance is a time tracking solution android app for maintaining daily attendance records.It allow employees to mark their attendance from anywhere in the world. It captures the exact Check IN / OUT Time along with exact Current Location of employees and stores in firebase and hence you can track your employees attendance as well as their attendance location online anytime.
Employee Attendance app can be used either by large or small business to monitor the attendance of their respective employees.
- Intuitive and easy to use user interface.
- User Management (Admin / Employee)
- Attendance Management
- Salary Management
- Holiday
- Define Designation Of Employee
- Set Day Wise Employee Working Hours
- Notify Admin When Employee Mark IN/OUT
- Today Present Employees Along With IN/OUT Time
- Show IN/OUT Locations On Google Map
- Realtime Employee Tracking
- Month Wise Full Calendar Report
- View Employees Past Attendance Report
- Broadcast Common Notification To All Employees
- Sticky Notes
- Settings with Feedback, Share Apps, Rate Us and Skype Id for discussion.
- Source code use Android proguard that protect from decompile app.
- Tested run well on various android devices.
- Stable source code.
- Easy To Reskin no extra coding is required.
Application Flow :
- Admin account creation.
1.1 Only one admin exist per company.
- Add/Update public holidays.
2.1 Add public holidays.
2.2 Employees are not allowed to mark their attendance on public holidays.
- Add employees.
- View all registered employees along with Update or Delete functionality.
4.1 You can see all employees which are registered and also update or delete it.
- View registered employees attendance and modify it.
- Check present employees list.
- Calculate employee salary.
7.1 You can see day wise employee attendance status like Present, Half day Present, No Punch-Out, Present But Leave.
7.2 You can calculate employee salary based on your their attendance.
- Track current live location of employee.
- Change Password.
- Send notification message to all employees.
10.1 Write down your message and just send message.
- Add important notes/rules.
- Authentication.
1.1 Do authentication using the details provided by admin user.
- View profile.
- View public holidays.
- Mark attendance.
- View attendance.
5.1 You can see your day wise attendances including your IN/OUT timing, no of Present days, no of times you present for Half day, no of times you forgot to mark Punch-Out, no of times you you come to office but you leave too early.
- Change password.
- View notes/rules.
Note :
- Application use Firebase (No SQL) as a backend to store application data.
- There is no iOS or Web version available for this application.
APK file : Click Here
Login credentials:
ID :
Password : !gabs@2019
Employee :
ID :
Password : !tushar@2019
Full Flash Application : Click Here
If you wish to buy another application which provides all above mentioned features along with some extra cool features then you can go with Full Flash Application.
Here are those extra features :
- Register multiple branches (along with radius) of your company.
- Register branch wise employees.
- Allow employee to mark their attendance within allocated branches or anywhere in the world.
Exe. :
1) Suppos you have registered A,B and C branches. Now you are going to register employee Emp1 who works for branch A. Now you wants that this employee Emp1 always mark their attendance with branch A premises/location only then you have to choose that particular branch A and submit that details.So now onwards Emp1 allows to mark attendance from branch A location only. Isn’t it cool!.
2)Here you also allow to choose multiple branch lets say branch A,B. So in that case Emp1 allows to mark attendance from both the branch A,B but no from branch C.
- Phone Mapping : If you wish that your employee mark their attendance from their personal phone only then in that case Phone Mapping feature will help you.
To check the demo kindly download APK from above link(Full Flash Application) and register your own company and go ahead.
Note :
- Price is completely different for this Full Flash application.
- Application use Firebase (No SQL) as a backend to store application data.
- There is no iOS or Web version available for this application.
Support :
For any query you can contact me through below :
Email :
Skype : live:.cid.63b2ea239d7299a3