FreelanceDesk is a product that has been built to handle a day to day tasks and procedures in effective & well-designed
way for your company or freelance services. This application is highly user-friendly interface with many features. Our
aim is to deliver the excellent tool to manage freelance work in elegant way. Micro & Small Companies can pick out
this to execute their work effectively.
Since, last eight years we are working as the freelancer to provide the software solutions in the form of products &
Services to our clients. During this period, we faced lots of difficulties to unify our work like the Projects, Invoices,
Expenses, Service Requests, Support Tickets, Payments, Communication with clients etc.
So, to achieve all these aspects appropriately we are exploring continuously to design & develop the such system that
carries an intellectual solution and trying to accomplish the user expectations in the form of FreelanceDesk. Our main
intention is to provide the simple, sophisticated and user-friendly system to the freelancer & small business.
FreelanceDesk provides the facility to organize your Clients, Services & Service Requests, Support Tickets, Products,
Projects, Invoices, Expenses, Payments, Support Departments, FAQs, Blog & Articles etc. FreelanceDesk is the flexible
system, you can organize the many features as per your ease of use. It is the multilingual system.
Blog is also there to post you your frequent information and news.
Custom Pages/Menu also can be created and managed via admin panel.
Making user registration a pleasant experience,
Logins via Social Accounts are provided, so for the user getting in is just click away.
FreelanceDesk is
Multilanguage/Translation supported, so you can serve it in your own language using tool like PoEdit.
There are lot of configurations options are given for Admin to configure FreelanceDesk settings as needed from Currency to
Payment Methods, Contact information many more…
I would recommend you to please check the demo to get better idea about the features.
email: pass:
email: pass:
email: pass:
PHP >= 8.0.2 MySQL 5.7 Ctype PHP Extension cURL PHP Extension DOM PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP Extension Filter PHP Extension Hash PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension PCRE PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Session PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension GD Library (>=2.0)
RELEASE #2.0.0 - 24 JUN 2023 Laravel Updated to 9 AngularJS Updated to 1.8 Minor Issue Fixes & Improvements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINOR RELEASE # - 31 DEC 2018 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Numerous Minor Fixes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAJOR RELEASE # - 29 DEC 2018 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Laravel Updated to 5.7.x 2) AngularJS Updated to 1.7.5 3) PHP, JavaScript and CSS libraries updated to latest possible versions 4) Dynamic Email Templates available from Admin Section 5) Calendar added 6) Added Dynamic Roles & Permissions 7) Upgraded to Bootstrap 4 Upgraded to Token based Authentication (Removed Session) 9) Due to Removal of Session Normal Captcha Replaced with Google ReCaptcha & Twitter social login removed 10) Added New Payment Gateways Razorpay (Indian Payment Gateway), Iyzico (Turkish Payment Gateway) 11) Now the option added update sidebar colors from admin panel 12) Added Slack Support for Notifications 13) Added Activity Logs Section 14) Updated Look and Feel 15) Minor issues Fixes & Improvements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE # - 22 JAN 2018 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor text updates Resolve amount issue in service request total amount. Recent dashboard support ticket and service request issue fixed For other payment mail send to the customer issue fixed Issues fixed related to invoices. Added Add Payment for this Invoice button in invoice. Issue fixed of On invoice list show Add Payment button when invoice status is paid. Issue fixed Pusher notification not shown to logged in user. Email enhancement in in messages emails. Fixed issue when raised support ticket without login. Manage Service Request payments css. Fixed loader issue when service request raised but form data is not validate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Keywords: responsive, Project Management, PayPal, Support Management, Support Desk, Help Desk, localisation, Multilingual,
angularJS, angular, Laravel, Freelance, Accounting, Invoice, Services
We do Web & Mobile Application Design, Development. Feel free to contact if you need Support or Custom Works.