Hando – Laravel 11 Admin & Dashboard HTML Template is a premium admin template designed for simplify web development. Built with the power of Bootstrap 5, HTML5, SCSS, JavaScript and PHP. It combines functionality with a Unique style design, responsive layouts, and cross-browser compatibility. This template delivers a responsive, clean, and easily customizable layout, offering smooth integration compatibility across all browsers and devices.
Hando is developers can unlock the potential of 6 unique dashboard and 3 apps, switchable with minimal effort. Packed with modern widgets and optimized for performance. It’s designed with developer friendly code to ensure smooth integration, making it the ideal choice for building diverse and fully functional web applications.
Key Features
- Built with Laravel 11x
- Created using Bootstrap v5.3.3
- Easy customizations with extensive use of SCSS variables
- Clean and Creative Design
- Google Fonts
- Light & Dark Themes (Attribute based)
- Fully responsive and works across all modern/supported browsers, and devices
- Fully Documented
- Rich form, widgets, validation and wizard
- 80+ Pages
- 200+ UI Components
- Apdex Chart Library
- 6 Unique Dashboard
- 3 Built In Apps
- RTL & LTR Support
- Error pages included
- Stylish pricing page
- Lifetime Free Updates
- W3C Valid Markup
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- And much more…
- All of Bootstrap components
- Google and Vector Maps
- Icons
- Multiple Widgets
- Toast Notifications
- Range Slider
- Spinner
- From Validator
- Advanced Datatables
- CRM, E-commerce, Analytics, Project, HRM and Job Dashboard
- Calendar
- Invoice
- To-Do List
- Contact List
- Starter Page
- Maintenance
- Timeline
- Coming Soon
- Pricing
Auth Pages
- Login
- Register
- Logout
- Recover Password
- Lock Screen
- Confirm Mail
- Email Verifications
Error Pages
- 404 Not Found
- 429 Too Many Requests
- 500 Internal Server
- 503 Service Unavailable
- Offline Page