Premiere Pro Compatible Project Essential Graphics Mogrt
Full HD resolution (1920×1080)
Easy Controls for Each Character
Each Pose is about 7 sec (Start and Ends at the same pose)
Tutorial with voice over included.
Project Includes
32 Premade Characters (Male-Female)
30 Unique Poses
24 Animated Backgrounds (Accommodation, , Education, Graphic Design, Web Development, Financial, Home Interior, e-Shop, Airport, Traffic, Cook House, Destination, Social Network x4, Mobile Commerce, Chat Messages x2, Adventure, Construction, Breaking News, Stock Market, Web Creation )
180+ Animated Elements
12 Animated Destinations (Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, Egypt, India, London, New York, Paris, Pisa, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Sydney)
14 Cities (Barcelona, Berlin, Chicago, Dubai, Johanesburg, Kuala Lubour, London, New York, Paris, Prague, Saint Petersburg, Stockholm, Sydney, Toronto)
The audio used in the example is “wont-let-this-moment-pass-us-by” which is available for purchase here: