Fitworld Graphic is a workout reminder android app ui as well as a bodybuilding modern yoga app ui. If you are looking for a trendy flat material ui kit? Your search ENDS HERE!! Fitworld Graphic is a workout ios training app ui, 7 minute workout ui, and female Fitness exercise App ui. It has an easy user interface design that makes it user-friendly. Users can choose from a wide range of exercises and activities. It is a complete fitness android yoga app ui designed by experts. Fitworld Graphic fitness ios app ui & women workout ui/ux will be a great choice.
FitApp workout is a professional app that provides pre-set workout plans for bodybuilding, Weight Gain, Weight loss & other Fitness Workout is your bodybuilding and Workouts trainer. Use our workout videos to Workout anytime anywhere.
This UI kit has 22+ fully layered and editable, high resolution screens and comes in photoshop CC 2017 format.
FitApp can be a great choice App. It is a modern based and easily customizable App template.
Fonts are not included but it’s free, you can download it from given link.
Google Sans Font Family
Version 1.5
26 May 2024
Updated: Updated icons Updated: Optimized layouts Updated: New screen added
Version 1.4
13 March 2024
Update: New screens added Update: Improved Interface Layout
Version 1.3
13 December 2023
Update: Documentation update
Version 1.2
6 October 2023
Update: Upgrade the texture of the UI Update: Improved alignment Update: Documents update
Version 1.1
4 September 2023
Update: Improved Interface Layout Update: Documents update Update: Improved text alignment Update: Redesigned settings screen
Version 1.0
1 June 2023
Update: Documentation update Update: New screens added
Workout app also known as exercise android app, exercise ionic app, exercise ios app, fitness android app, fitness ionic app, fitness ios app, gym android app, gym ionic app, gym ios app, workout android app, workout ios app, exercise app, 7 minute workout, home workout, training app, fitness app, yoga app, omen fitness, diet plan, female exercise, Female Fitness App, fitness app, flat stomach, flat stomach workout, lose weight flat stomach app, lose weight workout, reminder, women workout, health app, lose weight, fitness club, health kit, bodybuilding, crossfit, etc.