There is a new version of this template built with Ionic 3. Check it out!
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The app uses SASS, which basically is CSS with super powers. Each component has its dedicated sass files and partials well structured with independent variables so you can have maximum modularity, flexibility and customizability.
Ionic framework is an open source front-end SDK for developing awesome hybrid mobile apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Ionic is focused mainly on the look and feel, and UI interaction of your app.
Cordova is a platform to build Native Mobile Applications using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.
In order to modify the app you need to have knowledge in web technologies such as javascript, html5 and css3.
You also need to be able to install Ionic and its dependencies on your machine. We recommend you to use the Ionic official installation guide and ask on the Ionic forum for support.
We then will be happy to answer all the app related questions/issues.
You can build this app with phonegap build, however, we don’t provide support on how to build the app using phonegap build.
Version 1.6 – released 15 August 2017
## Misc - Update project to work with Ionic new CLI by adding the following devDependencies: - "@ionic/cli-plugin-gulp": "1.0.2" - "@ionic/cli-plugin-ionic1": "2.0.1" - rename ionic.project for ionic.config.json - removed views.js file and its references
Version 1.5 – released 16 July 2016
## Misc - Update Ionic Version to v.1.3.1 - Changed image picker cordova plugin because the other one was working weird in some cases - Update gulp-sass to latest Version
Version 1.4 – released 21 April 2016
## Misc - Update Ionic Version to v.1.2.4 - Update cordova plugins - Update ngcordova - Update gulp-sass to latest Version ## Bug fixes - Fixed Geolocation undefined coords
Version 1.3 – released 8 August 2015
## Misc - Improved and eased build process - Update Ionic Version to v.1.0.1 - Update cordova plugins - Update ngcordova - Added whitelist plugins - Added Content-Security-Policy - Add Sass sourcemaps to ease debugging of the app - Refactor project structure - Added youtube javascript API to manage youtube videos ## Bug fixes - Image picker plugin error on android build - Geolocation undefined coords ## New Features - Preload images (improves UX as important images are preloaded using a loader before showing them to the user) - Multimedia background (change auth background with a Multimedia one which enables you to use gifs or images as full backgrounds) - New directive in order to open all external links using inAppBrowser plugin ## Styles - Refactor Sass files structure - Improved and eased customization of the app (Added theme.variables.scss with different color schemes) ## Documentation - Brand new documentation!
Version 1.2 – 03 June 2015
## Misc - Improved and ease build process - Update Ionic Version to v.1.0.0
Version 1.1 – 28 March 2015
## New Features - Bookmark functionality to feeds and wordpress posts - Tinder cards - Profile page - Image picker - iAd - Apple mobile ad service ## Others - Update Ionic version to 1.0.0-rc.1 - Added with the documentation link - Refactoring of some controlleres and services - Added config.js with the app configurations - Changed href for ui-sref - Created Layouts section - Remove ionicons dependency as they are now part of ionic 1.0.0-rc.1 ## Bugs - Fixed push notifications bug for iOS - iframe content scrolling unstable in ionic, waiting for a fix until enabling it again ## WordPress: - Support for embeding audio posts - Changed WP blog source - Improves to avoid CORS issues - Removed fixed image on posts