A Web API is a platform with a web-style interface developers can use to implement functionality. Well-designed APIs feel like a natural extension of the application, rather than just a new interface into the backend database. Designing Web APIs based on use cases allows an organization to develop irresistible APIs, which developers can consume easily and which support the business values of that organization.
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About the Technology
It takes a village to deliver an irresistible web API. Business stakeholders look for an API that works side-by-side with the main product to enhance the experience for customers. Project managers require easy integration with other products or ways for customers to interact with your system. And, developers need APIs to consistently interoperate with external systems. The trick is getting the whole village together. This book shows you how.
About the Book
Irresistible APIspresents a process to create APIs that succeed for all members of the team. In it, you’ll learn how to capture an application’s core business value and extend it with an API that will delight the developers who use it. Thinking about APIs from the business point of view, while also considering the end-user experience, encourages you to explore both sides of the design process and learn some successful biz-to-dev communication patterns. Along the way, you’ll start to view your APIs as part of your product’s core value instead of just an add-on.
What’s Inside
Design-driven developmentDeveloping meaningful use casesAPI guiding principlesHow to recognize successful APIs
About the Reader
Written for all members of an API design team, regardless of technical level.
About the Author
Kirsten Hunter is an API evangelist who helps developers and business stakeholders understand, design, and deliver amazing APIs.
Table of Contents
UNDERSTANDING WEB APIsWhat makes an API irresistible?Working with web APIsAPI FirstWeb services explainedDESIGNING WEB APIsGuiding principles for API designDefining the value for your APICreating your schema modelDesign-driven developmentEmpowering your developers
From the Publisher
About this book
Irresistible APIs provides all the information needed to plan and manage creation of a Rest API. The book starts out with basic information about the technologies involved in web APIs—specifically Rest APIs—to help make sure that readers have a great basic understanding of API functionality. Industry best practices are covered, informing the reader about how to think about creating a new platform. The book then describes a comprehensive process for planning, designing, and managing development of web APIs, from business value through developer support.
Who should read this book
This book is intended to be accessible to anyone interested on the topic of creating APIs—spanning from an individual developer or technical lead, through product and project managers, and up to executives directing engineering organizations. With that in mind, here are some thoughts on qualifications: the reader should understand, at least at a rudimentary level, the processes surrounding software development—planning, development, testing, and releasing. The reader should be able to follow somewhat technical discussions about software process, including the associated vocabulary. There are chapters that are introductions to specific topics and technologies. Where this occurs, there will be links out to the best supplemental material.
How this book is organized
The first part of the book covers the technologies and best practices for API creation and design. Topics include a discussion of the overall goals and ideals for an excellent API program and the notion of developer experience, the main focus for any web platform that is successful and engaging. A high-level description of the technologies and techniques used for web APIs is presented, as well as best practices for excellent APIs.
Part 2 features an overall strategy for API design and creation. Topics include the steps you need to follow before starting API creation. This covers determining business value, creating powerful metrics, and understanding use cases. Once these details are covered, the book moves on to techniques for designing, developing and supporting your web services to ensure they begin and remain as A-list destinations for your customers.
The figure on the cover of Irresistible APIs is captioned “The Conservatory Student.” The illustration is taken from a nineteenth-century edition of Sylvain Maréchal’s four-volume compendium of regional dress customs published in France. Each illustration is finely drawn and colored by hand.
Publisher : Manning; First Edition (September 30, 2016)
Language : English
Paperback : 232 pages
ISBN-10 : 1617292559
ISBN-13 : 978-1617292552
Item Weight : 14.4 ounces
Dimensions : 7.38 x 0.7 x 9.25 inches