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Joxi is a modern responsive Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard template. It has different reusable and professional responsive components with multiple variations, such as Website Analytics, HR Admin, and LMS Courses. It also contains a mega-collection of features that can help use this template for small to large sizes of projects, including web and mobile apps.
The multipurpose features will allow integration for different business projects. Joxi offers a creative and easy way to develop the admin backend for your next exciting projects.
March 30, 2024: Joxi v1.2 ---------------------------- - Updated: using Bootstrap v5.3.3 - Updated: using jQuery v3.7.1 - Updated: using ApexCharts v3.41.0 - Updated: using Chart.js v4.4.2 - Updated: using Boxicons v2.1.4 - Updated: using RemixIcon v4.2.0 - Updated: using FontAwesome v6.5.1 - Updated: using FullCalendar v6.1.11 - Updated: using Sweetalert2 v11.10.7 - Updated: Documentation ---------------------------- April 28, 2023: Joxi v1.1 ---------------------------- - Added: RTL Support for Arabic and Hebrew Languages - Added: Light/Dark Mode - Updated: with Bootstrap v5.3.0 - Updated: FontAwesome v6.4.0 - Updated: with jQuery v3.6.4 - Updated: Documentation