Library Management System is a complete web application and collection of programs designed to assist the librarian in administering its executive responsibilities on a day-to-day basis. Also, it operates your library with much more advantages than a traditional library.
Core features are managing books, issuing books, and receiving a book by managing the proper history of the issued books. Also, librarians can track visitor’s logs as well. Additionally, the admin user can manage role-based user management.
User Name:
Password: 123
Library management systems help libraries keep track of the books, their isue book checkouts, and members’ profiles.
Dynamic dashboard with recent registered book, user and recent issue book items.
Use the excellent and responsive theme in a low ambient light environment to reduce eyestrain. It provides a range of responsive, reusable, and commonly used components.
Easily manage the app with settings for logo, book categories, variants, custom page access, and identity option.
User login history, user management, email configuration, nice UI.
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 or later, ASP.NET Core 6.0, IdentityCore, Entity Framework Code First, MS SQL SERVER 2017 Or Later, AdminLTE 3.0.5, JavaScript, jQuery data table, bootstrap 4, sweetalert, toastr, Fontawesome etc.
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022, Dot Net Core 6.0, MS SQL SERVER 2017 Or Later/MySQL, IIS, Chrome/Edge Browser.
Full Source Code and code first project running guideline.
If you want to modify or add new features, you can always contact us at,
WhatsApp: +8801674411603
Skype: shahedatomap
Telegram: shahed71bd
Initial Release