NewsPilot is a autopilot news script platform developed based on Codeingiter PHP Framework and Mysql Database. You can install and schedule the script to grab news from other popular websites and post them on your own website
You can also create maual news, place adsense, create news moderator, create unlimited news category, sources and generate news widgets and place them on home page and many more.It comes with full source code, easy to customization and installation . Included full documentration and installation guideline with video tutorial.
Please send us your product presale query, after sales support request, customization project and any other queries to our support: Support Form
Version 3.6—20.04.2024
Version 3.6 has the following updates -PHP 8.1 support added -Popular news widget on sidebar updated to show popular news based on date[NEW] -Image within manual news issue fixed[FIX] -Grabbed images will be now saved within date folder[FIX] -Some css and design is upgraded to increase visibility[New]
Version 3.5—04.09.2023
Version 3.5 has the following updates -PHP 8 support added -Feedparser library updated to grab image more accurately [FIX] -Widget edit issue fixed [FIX] -PHP CURL user agent bug solved [FIX] -Newsletter module added [New]
Version 3.4—26.07.2022
Version 3.4 has the following updates -Image captcha option added [NEW] -User signup terms check issue fix [FIX] -User profile default photo issue solved [FIX] -General user post review issue solved [FIX] -Home page slider spin added [NEW] -Default image issue for news solved [FIX]
Version 3.3—18.07.2022
Version 3.3 has the following updates -Sitemap generation bug solved [FIX] -User Creation Bug Solved [FIX] -Encoded css style code removed from header.php to solve upload issue [FIX]
Version 3.2—13.04.2022
Version 3.2 has the following updates -Full news grabber bug fix -Widget generator enabled -Bulk delete bug fix
Version 3.1—20.03.2022
Version 3.1 has the following updates -Grabber bug fix
Version 3.0—27.02.2022
Version 3 has the following updates -Whole code is rewritten to meet codecanyon standard
Version 2.3.0—28.04.2021
Version 2.3 has the following updates -User profile update bug solved [FIX] -News loading query optimized for loading large number of news at once [UPDATE] -Grabber updated for solving http status 301 [UPDATE] -Installer configuration checking updated [FIX]
Version 2.2.0—21.01.2020
Version 2.2 has the following updates -Category widget rtl language problem solved [FIX] -Auto grabbing problem after update 2.1 solved [FIX] -Facebook sdk updated [UPDATE] -Tag search problem solved [FIX]
Version 2.1.0—09.01.2020
Version 2.1 has the following updates -Loading time reduced by optimizing database query -Image grabbing improved -Some minor css updated -SOme unnecessary files removed
Version 2.0.0—15.07.2018
Version 2.0 has lot of new featured and major changes. So we are upding the version number to 2.0 -<b>New "Cooper" theme added[NEW]</b> -Css and JS compression added[NEW] -Cleaned unused resources[NEW] -Un-used image cleaner added under admin panel > system[NEW] -Spintax support added under Admin panel > contet > site Settings[NEW] -Grabber Code upgraded[NEW] -Tags updated for better SEO score[NEW]
Version 1.7.0—1.01.2018
-Option added for using popular news as banner [Admin panel> content > site settings] [NEW] -News with matched words only option added [NEW] -Block news with matched words option added [NEW] -facebook comment plugin version update [FIX]
Version 1.6.0—27.01.2017
-Banner slider loading issue solved [UPDATE] -Mega menu category count added [UPDATE] -Marquee mobile browser issue solved [UPDATE] -Filter text option added (Admin panel > content > site settings) [NEW] -Widget name as title option added [UPDATE]
Version 1.5.0—28.12.2016
-Sub category menu click issue solved [FIX] -Mega menu option added [NEW] -Paginition issue solved [FIX]
Version 1.4.0—10.10.2016
-404 message issue for archaived news solved [FIX] -Title instead of logo option added [NEW] -Date translation language keys adeed [UPDATE] -Facebook api version updated [UPATE] -Category and Source menu hide option added [NEW] -Detail page meta description issue solved [FIX] -Duplicate image on details page issue solved [UPDATE] -Fivefilter paid url adding issue [FIX] -Mysqli database driver support added [NEW] -Cron job issue if cli is not available solved [UPDATE] -URL special character encode issue solved [UPDATE] -Site RSS feed upgrading sorting issue fixed [FIX] -Sharethis buttons css fixed [UPDATE] -General user news create option added [NEW] -Popular news sorting issue solved [FIX] -Separate rss feed implemented for each category , source and date [NEW] -Feature news carousel and banner option added [NEW] -Adblock identifier option added [NEW] -Subcategory added as sub menu[UPDATE] -Tinymce editor updated. It's possible to add image within description.[NEW]
Version 1.3.0—20.05.2016
-Option added to choose language for ADMIN panel & Website separately[NEW] -Grabbed image width issue on description [FIXED] -Five filter url changing option added[NEW] -Grab duration range set from 1 to 24 hours[NEW] -Option to extract the first image from the source article added[NEW] -Rss feed option added[NEW] -Site map frequency and priority updated[UPDATE] -News detail page url updated[UPDATE] -Unused image deletation added[NEW] -All subcategory showing option added[NEW] -Meta tag for canonical url added[UPDATE]
Version 1.2.0—07.02.2016
-Subcategory news count issue on rightbar issue [FIXED] -Page publishing error from admin panel [FIXED] -Video embed on news description issue [FIXED] -Latest news marquee issue for long news titles [FIXED] -Manual edit issues for grabbed news [FIXED] -Autograb for multiple sources cron issue [FIXED] -Purchase verification issue [FIXED] -Admin panel loading time issue [FIXED] -Facebook login issue [FIXED]
Version 1.1.0—17.11.2015
-Grab Now option not showing [FIXED] -Database field missing issue [FIXED] -Widget added for the header adsense [NEW] -Full text news grabbing option added using Full text RSS api of
Version 1.0.0—03.11.2015
- Initial Release