Creative animated Christmas greeting for your loved once, friends or clients! This is one of my flash animations re-designed to responsive HTML5 template with Adobe Animate CC and CreateJS. Along with fun orthographic animation, this template offer customizable integrated logo, external music file included in download archive, adjustable textblock for your greetings message and button with custom URL-linking to redirect user to your website or social media profile.
Animation centered in browser window. Template is fully responsive and design looks correct and sharp at any devices. Easy to customize logo, music, text greetings, URL-button, recolor objects (background, folder, trees, gifts, toys) via editing settings.js and style.css with any texteditor. Note, for additional editing, for example shapes or animations, you need Adobe Animate CC installed.
Re-color with JS-variables in text editor:
Free font used in template: Miso by Mårten Nettelbladt
Library used for main animation:
Libraries used for detect browser and IE fallback:
Additional libraries:
Files included:
FLA, HTML, JS, CSS, MP3, PSD, PNG, Documentation
If you like this template, please rate/share it after purchase.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
*** Version 1.2 - 16 December 2019 ***
- Fixed issue when ecard don't starting in Edge browser with recolor feature added.
*** Version 1.1 - 7 December 2019 ***
- Added easy recolor ability for ecard elements (folder, trees, toys, gifts).
Example of settings.js with user preferences:
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// POCKET XMAS CARD by Kontramax
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Initial setup - you can change parameters here:
// Main animation settings
var main_animation_x = 0; // Animation position by X (in pixels)
var main_animation_y = -50; // Animation position by Y (in pixels)
var main_animation_scale = 120; // Animation sale factor (in percents)
// Logo settings
var logo_enable = true; // Show or hide logo on card (true, false)
var logo_path = "images/logo.png"; // Specify here path to your logo
var logo_x = 3; // Logo position corrections by X (in pixels)
var logo_y = -15; // Logo position corrections by Y (in pixels)
var logo_scale = 43; // Logo sale factor (in percents)
// Greeting text settings
var textbox_message = "Dear friends!\nPut this card in your pocket and Christmas mood always will be with you. Be happy and keep smiling!"; // Use \n as line break
var textbox_font = "normal 27px miso-regular"; // Font face settings
var textbox_color = "#DBF5FF"; // Greeting text color
var textbox_x = 0; // Greeting textbox position by X (in pixels)
var textbox_y = -70; // Greeting textbox position by Y (in pixels)
var textbox_scale = 100; // Greeting textbox scale factor (in percents)
var textbox_linewidth = 350; // Width of text box
var textbox_lineheight = 32; // Font line height
var textbox_align = "center"; // Horizontal alignment (left, center, right)
var textbox_baseline = "middle"; // Baseline alignment (top, middle, bottom)
// Button settings
var button_enable = true; // Show button below greeting (true, false)
var button_text = "Merry Christmas!"; // Text on button
var button_text_hover = " Buy Pocket Card "; // Text on hovered button
var button_url = ""; // URL path when click on button
var button_url_target = "_blank"; // Targeting URL (_blank, _self, _parent, _top)
var button_font = "normal 23px miso-regular"; // Font face settings
var button_space = 28; // Distance between greeting text and button
var button_margin_x = 36; // Distance from button text to button borders by X
var button_margin_y = 20; // Distance from button text to button borders by Y
var button_rounded = true; // Rectangle or rounded button (true, false)
var button_text_color = "#6283B3"; // Button text color when idle
var button_text_color_hover = "#DBF5FF"; // Button text color on hover
var button_fill_color = "#DBF5FF"; // Button fill color when idle
var button_fill_color_hover = "#EF1D4B"; // Button fill color on hover
// Music settings
var music_path = "sounds/music.mp3"; // Path to music
var sound_in_path = "sounds/sounds-in.mp3"; // Path to sound-in FX
var sound_out_path = "sounds/sounds-out.mp3"; // Path to sound-out FX
var music_loop = true; // Repeat music file (true, false)
var mute_all = false; // Mute music and sounds (true, false)
// Main recolor settings
var card_gradient_color_1 = "#808B9D"; // Default: #808B9D
var card_gradient_color_2 = "#6084AB"; // Default: #6084AB
var card_snow_traces_color_1 = "#667591"; // Default: #667591
var card_snow_traces_color_2 = "#6084AB"; // Default: #6084AB
var trees_gradient_color_1 = "#D9E0E3"; // Default: #D9E0E3
var trees_gradient_color_2 = "#9CA6B0"; // Default: #9CA6B0
var tree_toys_gradient_color_1 = "#FF004D"; // Default: #FF004D
var tree_toys_gradient_color_2 = "#4F212B"; // Default: #4F212B
var tree_toys_gradient_color_3 = "#6A1A2F"; // Default: #6A1A2F
var tree_toys_gradient_color_4 = "#771631"; // Default: #771631
var shadow_visible = true; // Visibility of fold shadow on card
var shadow_alpha = 100; // Alpha of fold shadow on card (in percents), default: 10
var shadow_gradient_color_1 = "rgba(85, 119, 153, 0)"; // Default: rgba(85, 119, 153, 0)
var shadow_gradient_color_2 = "#587797"; // Default: #587797
// Gift 1 recolor settings
var gift1_box_light = "#C51144"; // Default: #C51144
var gift1_box_med = "#920736"; // Default: #920736
var gift1_box_dark = "#530025"; // Default: #530025
var gift1_ribbon_light = "#FFFFFF"; // Default: #FFFFFF
var gift1_ribbon_dark = "#919191"; // Default: #919191
// Gift 2 recolor settings
var gift2_box_light = "#5D5964"; // Default: #5D5964
var gift2_box_med = "#403F4D"; // Default: #403F4D
var gift2_box_dark = "#1E1E23"; // Default: #1E1E23
var gift2_ribbon_light = "#FFB700"; // Default: #FFB700
var gift2_ribbon_med = "#FF9900"; // Default: #FF9900
var gift2_ribbon_dark = "#915700"; // Default: #915700
// Gift 3 recolor settings
var gift3_box_light = "#3A91EE"; // Default: #3A91EE
var gift3_box_med = "#137DD2"; // Default: #137DD2
var gift3_box_dark = "#3D64A6"; // Default: #3D64A6
var gift3_ribbon_light = "#1B5389"; // Default: #1B5389
var gift3_ribbon_med = "#30467A"; // Default: #30467A
var gift3_ribbon_dark = "#0B2C42"; // Default: #0B2C42
// Gift 4 recolor settings
var gift4_box_light = "#FFD200"; // Default: #FFD200
var gift4_box_med = "#E0AB00"; // Default: #E0AB00
var gift4_box_dark = "#9C4D00"; // Default: #9C4D00
var gift4_ribbon_light = "#C40451"; // Default: #C40451
var gift4_ribbon_med = "#7A002B"; // Default: #7A002B
var gift4_ribbon_dark = "#33000E"; // Default: #33000E
// Settings for tests
var stop_animation_on_button_click = true; // Beta: slow stop animations after button click
var center_page_mark_enable = false; // Show marks for centering tests
var show_test_info = false; // Show fps, dpr etc. info for tests