Protech SaaS is a SaaS, Software, Web Application & Startups Landing Page template. This is a powerful and super flexible tool, especially designed for who wants to start their Application or Software Business. Also it can be used for App Landing or App showcasing Website. It is built upon Twitter Bootstrap 4 framework and is fully responsive.
v1.0.3 – 10 May 2018
##FIXED: - Counter Up issue fixed
v1.0.2 – 12 April 2018
##ADDED: - shop-grid.html - shop-grid-sidebar.html - shop-single.html - cart.html - checkout.html - jquery-ui.min.css - jquery-ui.min.js ##UPDATED: - custom.js - custom.css
v1.0.1 – 09 February 2018
##ADDED: - banner-animated-gradient.html - banner-particles.html - banner-parallax.html - particles.css - particles.min.js - app.js - parallax.min.js ##UPDATED: - custom.js - custom.css
v1.0.0 – 01 February 2018
Initial release