QuoteMe is a Full Responsive Multi Step PHP Working Multipurpose Ajax Form with Required field jQuery validation built on PHP, HTML5/CSS3 and jQuery. Code written in a simple way by which you can easily integrated at your site.
QuoteMe Responsive PHP Working Multi Step Ajax Form can be used for your organization, company, business. So that your visitors, customers, clients, agents, members can use this form to get Quote and/or let you know their service concern through the form.
QuoteMe is a responsive, clean, well documented Ajax Form. It can be simply integrated at your site with the documentation help. All the codes are clean, well commented and well organized with proper help documentation. It looks great with all types of devices. Try out the demo.
----- V 2.4.4 Released: 2 November 2024 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.9.2 - Upgraded: Upgraded bootstrap to the most latest version 5.3.3 - Upgraded: Upgraded Font awesome to the most latest version 6.6.0
Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and not included in the final purchase download files.
----- V 2.4.4 Released: 2 November 2024 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.9.2 - Upgraded: Upgraded bootstrap to the most latest version 5.3.3 - Upgraded: Upgraded Font awesome to the most latest version 6.6.0
----- V 2.4.3 Released: 5 January 2024 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.9.1 - Upgraded: Upgraded bootstrap to the most latest version 5.3.2 - Upgraded: Upgraded Font awesome to the most latest version 6.5.1
----- V 2.4.2 Released: 29 May 2023 ----- - Updated: Minor css updated - Upgraded: Upgraded Font awesome to the most latest version 6.4.0
----- V 2.4.1 Released: 14 January 2023 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.7.1 - Upgraded: Upgraded bootstrap to the most latest version 5.3.0 - Upgraded: Upgraded Font awesome to the most latest version 6.2.1
----- V 2.4.0 Released: 8 August 2022 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.6.3 - Upgraded: Upgraded bootstrap to the most latest version 5.2.0 - Upgraded: Upgraded Fontawesome to the most latest version 6.1.2
----- V 2.3.3 Released: 12 June 2022 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.6.0 - Upgraded: Upgraded bootstrap to the most latest version 5.1.3
----- V 2.3.2 Released: 19 February 2022 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.5.4 - Upgraded: Upgraded Fontawesome to the most latest version 5.15.4 - Upgraded: Upgraded bootstrap to the most latest version 4.6.1
----- V 2.3.1 Released: 1 September 2021 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.5.1
----- V 2.3 Released: 25 June 2021 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.5.0 - Upgraded: Upgraded Fontawesome to the most latest version 5.15.3
----- V 2.2 Released: 13 January 2021 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.2.0 - Upgraded: Upgraded Fontawesome to the most latest version 5.15.1
----- V 2.1 Released: 4 July 2020 ----- - Upgraded: phpmailer upgraded to the most latest version 6.1.6 - Upgraded: Upgraded Fontawesome to the most latest version 5.13.1 - Upgraded: Upgraded jquery to latest version 3.5.1 - Updated: Documentation has updated
----- V 2.0 Released: 18 February 2020 ----- - Updated: Minor js update
----- V 1.9 Released: 19 November 19 ----- - Added: Send Confirmation email to Sender Features (enable/disable). In live Preview Demo this features disabled. - Updated: Documentation updated for Send Confirmation email and Usercopy of the form input value - Upgraded: PHPMailer upgraded to most latest version (requires a minimum of PHP 5.6)
----- V 1.8 Released: 4 August 19 ----- - Upgraded: PHPMailer upgraded to most latest version (requires a minimum of PHP 5.5)
----- V 1.7 Released: 29 May 19 ----- - Upgraded: Upgraded jquery to latest version 3.4.1 - Updated: Updated Form validation
----- V 1.6 Released: 3 January 19 ----- - Updated: php settings updated - Updated: Documentation updated
----- V 1.5 Released: 8 September 18 ----- - Updated: All Form Ajax Processing has Updated
----- V 1.4 Released: 30 March 18 ----- - Added: Added 1 New Forms with logical condition form field
----- V 1.3 Released: 30 June 17 ----- - New: added 1 new style: Style 7 - without Captcha - Updated: Documentation has updated.
----- V 1.2 Released: 12 June 17 ----- - Updated: Documentation has updated. - Updated: removed form field extra name and placeholder. - New: Added 3 new version ( QuoteMe Style 4 - QuoteMe Style 6 )
----- V 1.1 Released: 9 June 17 ----- - Updated: Documentation has updated. - Updated: plugin js file has updated. - New: Added 1 new version ( QuoteMe Style 3: Autocomplete Off )
----- Initial Released: 8 June 17 ----- - Initial Released