Before you can get started building your Christian blog, you will need to find a good web hosting service. There are many web hosting companies to choose from so it is important that you do your research!
I highly recommend using Siteground as a brand new Christian blogger because it is not only affordable, they have great customer service, and rarely has issues resulting in website downtime.
If you would like to check them out, you can use my referral link here:
If you are just getting started with starting a Christian blog, be sure to enroll in my free course which walks you through every step of the process:
Be sure to follow me on TikTok for more short-form videos and training:
Find more resources for becoming a Christian Influencer:
Be sure to join our Facebook group where you can get all your Christian blogging questions answered and get basic tech support:
You can also visit my Kingdom Bloggers Academy where you’ll find a variety of free and paid courses to help you build your Christian blog ministry.