This is a very modern Responsive Header and bottom Strip Design. now you can use any website or landing page. this is multipurpose item. if can chose any one integrate your website or template. we are giving two types of strip design. that is one is header strip and second is bottom strip. each strip have unique design and unique animation. our item have five top strip header and five bottom strip design. you can choose any one. This is strip design have in fully responsive bootstrap framework.
if you want to strip load one time or when refresh page on then strip should not display. if you can add script. please read a our documentation file. i have clear mention that. how to integrate one time load strip. please refer our documentation file.
Live Demo URL: Click here
Version 2.0 was released :
Added Flat color, Texture, Background
Fixed responsive
Set HTML element tag
Sources and Credits
I’ve used the following: Thanks so much to
Font: Google Web Fonts
Open Sans
Images Source:
Texture Background patterns:
Support Facilities
If you have any questions related to this item. Please email us your before purchase product questions, installation request, customization project, and any other queries to here. Email:
Best wishes
Design Collection