My name is Will Sherwood. I’ve been a graphic designer and a website designer in Santa Clarita and Los Angeles for some forty years. When people ask me what I do, I usually say, “I help companies double and triple their business.”
One example of a client is Digital Instruments, Veeco Metrology Group. When we first started working with them they were doing $20 million per year, and within 3 years, they were doing $52 million per year.
With Lockheed Federal Credit Union, we did one brochure for them and it generated $43 million in new loan business. The results overwhelmed their loan department. I guess that’s a good kind of problem to have.
If you’d like to see the kind of work that we do, visit our website:, send me an email at, or give me a call at 661-287-0017.
We’d love to hear from you.