Current Version : 1.6
Easy to add and display history OR timeline for your WordPress website.
This plugin create a “Timeline Slider” menu tab with a custom post type to your WordPress admin side. You can add Title, content and featured image as same like WordPress post.
Plugin Info : Plugin Version 1.6 | Compatible Up to WordPress 6.6.X | Changelogs
You are able to setup the plugin as quickly as possible due to the Built in Live Shortcode Generator.
= 1.6 (15, Nov 2022) = * [*] New - Added revision, post excerpt and WordPress default custom fields support to timeline post type. * [*] Update - Update Slick slider JS to stable version 1.8.0 * [*] Update - Now pagination will work with archive page. * [*] Update - Improved WPBakery Page Builder support. * [*] Update - Add nonce security while saving timeline sorting order in admin area. * [*] Update - Added nonce security to plugin reset setting. * [*] Update - Added reset setting success message in plugin setting page. * [*] Update - Update post sorting functionality to work smoothly with pagination. * [*] Fix - Fixed timeline sorting issue in admin area. * [*] Fix - SEO & HTML validation error of empty image source when plugin lazy load is enabled. * [*] Fix - Fixed animation issue in timeline history shortcode due to CSS minify. * [*] Fix - Fixed Gutenberg block color palette issue with WordPress 6.1 * [*] Fix - Fixed one deprecated warning in Gutenberg block from WordPress 5.7 * [*] Fix - Fixed some CSS issues. * [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 6.1 * [*] Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy. = 1.5 (07, Feb 2022) = * [+] New - Add new settings to manage timeline post slug, category slug, enable Gutenberg editor and disable archive page. * [+] New - Added Fusion Page Builder (Avada) native support. * [+] New - Improved WP Bakery Page Builder Support. Now plugin works in page builder tab, accordion, toggle and etc elements. * [*] Update - Update Numeric and Prev - Next pagination to scroll back to plugin shortcode on page load. * [*] Update - Archive page pagination issue has been solved for [th-history] shortcode. * [*] Update - Use escaping functions for better security. * [*] Update - Added filters to modify plugin query for developers. * [*] Update - Improved tool tip text in 'Shortcode Builder' page for better understanding. * [*] Update - Gutenberg change block_categories to block_categories_all add_filter function * [*] Update - Widget Gutenberg wp-editor js issue. * [*] Update - JavaScript syntax for jQuery 3.0 and higher with compatibility to WordPress version 5.6. * [*] Fix - Fixed Range Control max value issue in Gutenberg. * [*] Fix - Add support of "fade" and "pause_on_hover" to top navigation slider. * [*] Fix - Fixed "first_slide" shortcode parameter to work with user entered number. * [*] Fix - Fixed one deprecated warning in Gutenberg block from WordPress 5.7. * [*] Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy. = 1.4 (28, June 2021) = * [+] New - Added Elementor page builder support. * [+] New - Added SiteOrigin page builder support. * [+] New - Added Beaver builder support. * [+] New - Added Divi page builder native support. * [+] New - Added Fusion Page Builder (Avada Theme Builder) native support. * [+] New - Improved WP Bakery Page Builder Support. Now plugin works in page builder tab, accordion, toggle and etc elements. * [+] New - Added 'lazyload' shortcode parameter for all slider shortcodes and widget. Now you can able to set lazy loading in two different method lazyload="ondemand" OR lazyload="progressive". * [+] New - Added 'draggable' shortcode parameter for all slider shortcodes and widget. * [+] New - Click to copy the shortcode from the getting started page. * [*] Update - Add 'is_front_page' condition for pagination when add page break. * [+] Update - Major js and CSS file updated. * [*] Check compatibility with latest version of the WordPress. * [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements. * [*] Template File - Minor template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy. = 1.3 (21, Jun 2019) = * [+] New - Added Gutenberg block. Now use plugin easily with Gutenberg! * [+] New - Added 'hover_pause' and 'focus_pause' parameter for slider shortcode. Now you can pause the slider on mouse hover and slider element focus. * [+] Update - Now 'query_offset' will work with pagination. * [+] Update - Minified some CSS and JS. * [*] Fix - 'Read More' link still shows when 'link' parameter is set to false. * [*] Tweak - Pagination will if page is divided into multiple pages with <!--nextpage--> tag. * [*] Tweak - Pagination will work on single post also. * [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements. * [*] Template File - Major template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy. = 1.2 (22, Sep 2018) = * [+] New - Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!! * [*] Tweak - Taken better care of Post Title as image ALT tag. * [+] New - Added 'query_offset' parameter for shortcodes. * [+] New - Added 'include_author' and 'exclude_author' parameter for shortcodes. * [*] Update - Sanitize functions for settings. = 1.1 (03, Aug 2018) = * [+] Introduced 'Shortcode Generator' functionality with Preview Panel. * [+] Added 'extra_class' shortcode parameter in plugin shortcode. Now you can add your extra class and use it for custom designing. * [*] Used 'wp_reset_postdata' instead of 'wp_reset_query'. * [*] Fixed 'Read More' button issue with some design. * [*] Fixed some designing issue. * [*] Fixed some minor issues. = 1.0.2 (19, Dec 2016) = * [+] Added 'show_title' shortcode parameter to show/hide post title. * [+] Added 'link' shortcode parameter to show/hide post link from all. * [+] Added Custom icon functionality to upload your custom icon instead of FA icon. * [+] Added 'Post Format' support to timeline and history slider post. * [+] Added 'Menu Order' support to WordPress default post for custom order. * [*] Resolved 'Timeline Slider' navigation issue with even number of slide. = 1.0.1 (18, Nov 2016) = * [+] Added 'How it Work' page for better user interface. * [-] Removed 'Plugin Design' page. * [*] Updated Font Awesome CSS to latest version 4.7.0 = 1.0 = * Initial release.