Watchly – ECommerce Watch App UI & Figma, XD, Sketch (Free)
Watchly is a premium Watch e-commerce UI Kit, focused on modern, luxury & elegant products. With over 20 categories – it’s all you need to quickly design your next app. If you want to design a timeless store, then this kit is for you.
The purpose of this UI Kit is to be an accelerator in the process of designing any user interface for mobile apps, it is designed specifically for designers, developers, startups, and agencies that want to quickly boost their workflow and impress clients.
This UI Kit contains 83 UI high-quality screens and it’s compatible only with Figma, Xd, Sketch (Free) App & ReactNative.
- Clean Code & Clean Design
- Flexible UI
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Font Awesome Icons
- Mobile and Tablet Support
- Responsive Design
- Urbanist Font added
- Documentation Include
- Unique and creative Design
- Easy to Customize
- Animation Controller
- 83 Gorgeous Screens
- Support ReactNative Latest Version
- Well-organized and Structured Layer
- Figma, Xd, Sketch File Added (FREE)
What will you get?
- ReactNative Source UI Code
- Lifetime Free Upgrade Version
- Documentation file
- Code Flexibility
- Figma, Xd, Sketch File Added (FREE)
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Ionic Version Available
Flutter Version Available
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Changelog & Update History
Version 1.0 (06-06-2024)
- React Hook Used
- React 18.2.0
- React Native Version 0.73.5