Web development is the beating heart of cloud applications. serviceontheweb.co.uk Web Apps on App Service is one of the key compute services which streamlines development and maintenance of web applications. It is a powerful Platform as a Service offering with many of security and DevOps features.
If any application software runs on a web server, that is called a web application. It is not like the software that you run on the operating system. You can access a web application through any web browser. And yes, we develop it for you.
A web app business can prove to be an excellent decision for your business 🏆.
Web app platforms are globally accessible and cost-efficient to the business at the same time.
This approach will improve client service through great flexibility and help your business in becoming an international brand.
We’ve got plenty to offer in the world of app development. Whether you need planning, definition, development, testing or post-development support, we can help. We won’t dive right in without the right preparation, either – we’ll assess your requirements, understand what is right for you and give you the best advice for moving forwards. Then, we’ll help you develop solutions that help you achieve your goals.
We’re not your average web development agency either. With custom and bespoke software and design, we make sure that your solution fits exactly what you need, and we won’t give you a cookie cutter answer to a unique problem. By focusing on the UX of your solution, we can help to ensure the success of it, and by using outsourced development resources, we can keep costs down while still providing a top-quality service.
❍ How we do it:
☛ Analysis of requirements
☛ Planning a project
☛ Data Infrastructure
☛ Selecting the right tool
☛ Merging code, giving life
☛ Data Quality
☛ Ultimate check
☛ Launchpad ready
☛ Readying for launch
❍ ❍ Why choose us?
We love what we do. Apart from this, the following feats make us stand apart from others.
• We understand technology Unless we do it, we are doomed. Every move we make, we do it by technology, the right technology. So, we provide you service that comes with top-notch technology.
• To err is human; to fix is divine. No program smoothly runs unless it is appropriately treated. There are errors, incorrect codes, and such things, but we take care of them by putting them into innumerable tests.
• We understand your journey. Our work is not based on our skill; it is based on what you are going to face. We are very much YOU-oriented. It makes us go beyond our limit to meet your requirements.
• We connect Yes, we do. We do it very well. We understand the importance of seamless communication. So we work as if we are working sitting next to you.
How we make a web app in 12 steps (4 stages)
◈ Ideation stage
1. Source an idea
2. Market research
3. Define functionality
◈ Design stage
4. Sketch your web app
5. Plan your workflow
6. Wireframe the UI
7. Seek early validation
◈ Development stage
8. Architect your database
9. Develop your frontend
10. Build your backend
◈ Launch stage
11. Host your web app
12. Deploy your web app
Keeping things cost-effective. Working for you is not a one-time shot, so we would love to see you come to us again. And for this to happen, our services come with a reasonable price tag.
֍ Contact us: ➩ https://serviceontheweb.co.uk/get-a-quote
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