Current Version : 1.4
WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider/carousel plugin creates a carousel slider of logos like client logo slider, partners logo slider, sponsor logo slider with easy setup.
With this plugin you can display a set of images as a grid or in a carousel slider.
Plugin Info : Plugin Version 1.4 | Compatible Up to WordPress 6.6.X | Changelogs
It’s Perfect to:
You are able to setup the plugin as quickly as possible due to the Built in Live Shortcode Generator.
Here you will find the main features which are included in ‘WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider’ Plugin.
= 1.4 (28, June 2021) = * [+] New - Added Elementor page builder support. * [+] New - Added SiteOrigin page builder support. * [+] New - Added Beaver builder support. * [+] New - Added Divi page builder native support. * [+] New - Added Fusion Page Builder (Avada Theme Builder) native support. * [+] New - Improved WP Bakery Page Builder Support. Now plugin works in page builder tab, accordion, toggle and etc elements. * [+] New - Added 'lazyload' shortcode parameter for all slider shortcodes and widget. Now you can able to set lazy loading in two different method lazyload="ondemand" OR lazyload="progressive". * [+] New - Click to copy the shortcode from the getting started page. * [*] Update - Add 'is_front_page' condition for pagination when add page break. * [+] Update - Major changes in CSS and JS. * [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 5.7.2. * [*] Template File - Minor template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy. = 1.3.3 (24, Jun 2019) = * [+] New - Added Gutenberg block. Now use plugin easily with Gutenberg! * [+] New - Added 'hover_pause' and 'focus_pause' parameter for slider shortcode. Now you can pause the slider on mouse hover and slider element focus. * [+] Update - Now 'query_offset' will work with pagination. * [+] Update - Minified some CSS and JS. * [*] Tweak - Pagination will if page is divided into multiple pages with <!--nextpage--> tag. * [*] Tweak - Pagination will work on single post also. * [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements. * [*] Template File - Major template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy. = 1.3.2 (27, Feb 2019) = * [+] New - Added new shortcode [wpls_logo_list] to display logos in list view. * [+] New - Added 'link' shortcode parameter for all shortcodes and widgets. Now you can remove link from logo. (From user feedback) * [+] New - Added 'active_filter' shortcode parameter for [logo_filter] shortcode. Now you can choose your default filter. * [*] Update - 'all_filter_text' shortcode parameter. Now you can pass blank value to remove "All" filter tab. * [*] Update - Improve filter design. * [*] Fix - Resolved Custom CSS converted to one line after save. * [*] Tweak - Rename `Shortcode Generator` to `Shortcode Builder` for better understanding. * [*] Template File - All template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy. = 1.3.1 (01, Nov 2018) = * [+] New - Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!! * [+] New - Added two types of pagination for logo grid shortcode. * [+] New - Added 'query_offset' parameter for grid and slider shortcodes and widget. * [*] Fix - Resolved one plugin translation issue. * [*] Fix - 'wp_reset_postdata' missing in some place. * [*] Fix - Improve filter shortcode functionality and taken care when images are not loaded properly. * [*] Tweak - Taken better care of Post Title as image ALT tag and Tool-tip. = Version 1.3 (30, March 2018) = * [+] Introduced 'Shortcode Generator' functionality with Preview Panel. * [+] Added 'extra_class' shortcode parameter in plugin shortcode. Now you can add your extra class and use it for custom designing. * [+] Added new shortcode parameter in logo slider i.e. "rows" [logoshowcase rows="2"] (Display slides more then in 1 row) * [*] Used 'wp_reset_postdata' instead of 'wp_reset_query'. * [*] Resolved slider center mode issue in mobile devices. * [*] Taken CSS care if big size of Logo is added. * [*] Fixed some minor issues.