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July 24, 2024

world's shortest Figma course

Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this ultra quick intro to Figma, a free collaborative design and prototyping tool. // Thumbnail design’s code implementation: // Some cool […]
July 19, 2024

Responsive & Adaptive Design

In part 5 of my UI/UX design crash course series we will cover aspects of design for various devices. Or more specifically 2 most popular approaches: […]
July 14, 2024

60-30-10 Color Rule

How do you apply color in mobile UI design projects? Here’s a little tip, the 60-30-10 color rule(it’s more like a guideline) will help you to […]
June 29, 2024

11 Section layouts to make your website ultra UNIQUE

This video shares 11 unique website section layout designs that you can use on your next web design project. These layout will help make your web […]
June 11, 2024

world's shortest UI/UX design course

This video is what I wish I had when I first learned about UI/UX design. It covers that 20% of UI design that you’ll be dealing […]